My first week at Innovative Centre
It was 4 years ago, when I came to Innovative centre for the first time in my life for mock exam. I thought:"What an awful building. It might be very scary to study here. As most of my friends studied here, they suggested me come here. I always rejected, until I was fed up with English and decided to take IELTS with my first teacher, Mukhammad Soliev. I knew what I was agreeing for: sleepless nights, lots of self-study, support at the same time. Mr. Soliev approached me and called me by my name (I remember when my new groupmates starred at me at that time. They knew that Mr. Muhammad remembers names of his students after 3 months of teaching). What I was talking about? Alright, that scary building was not scary at all. It was good,especially at night. You don't need to watch movie called "Friday 13". Just you could walk around the building and get scared many many times. I had lots of friends at Innovative centre. Center helped me to meet my NEIGHBOR, with whom we lived for years in the same district but never talked. The day when I got 7 was I don't remember how. But that's a good choice that I have ever had