DELTA (Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)
Take your teaching career to the next level
DELTA is an advanced blend of theory and practice that provides professional development for teachers with at least one year’s experience. It gives you skills and techniques that will help you throughout your career.
If you are ready to take your DELTA module, the next step is to find a centre near you.

Who is CELTA for?
New teachers starting their career
First-language English speakers and non-first-language speakers
Teachers with some experience who want to develop their skills
Teachers who want to travel and teach English
The gold standard teaching qualification
CELTA is a qualification for teaching English as a foreign language. It focuses on developing practical skills with face-to-face teaching practice, which will provide you with the techniques and confidence you need to begin teaching as soon as you finish the course.
Taking a face-to-face course
CELTA courses are run by authorised centres, based on specifications produced by Cambridge Assessment English.
The CELTA face-to-face courses can be taken in different ways:
full time – usually 4–5 weeks
part time – from a few months to over the course of a year
More than 1,500 CELTA courses are available every year at over 300 approved centres in more than 80 countries.
Before contacting your centre, please check you meet the following criteria:
Are you 18 or over?
Do you have a standard of education equivalent to that required for entry into higher education?
Is your English good enough to teach at a range of levels? (Minimum CEFR Level high C1 or above.)
If you do not have formal educational qualifications at the level indicated above, centres may still accept you, if you can demonstrate that you would be likely to complete the course successfully.
Cambridge CELTA Course Online
CELTA can also be taken as a blended learning course, combining online self-study with hands-on teaching practice.
Input sessions, where you get both practical and theoretical teaching knowledge, are delivered online with tutor support. You only need to travel to your CELTA centre for lesson planning and teaching practice.
The course follows the same syllabus and leads to the same internationally recognised certificate as face-to-face CELTA courses.
Cambridge Assessment English provides the course in partnership with International House London.
CELTA is a qualification for teaching English as a foreign language. It focuses on developing practical skills with face-to-face teaching practice, which will provide you with the techniques and confidence you need to begin teaching as soon as you finish the course.
Course format summary

The CELTA course in detail
CELTA courses are delivered by Authorised Centres on behalf of Cambridge Assessment English. All CELTA courses include at least 120 hours of contact between candidates and course tutors, and include:
tutorial support and consultation
supervised lesson planning
six hours’ assessed teaching practice per candidate supervised by a course tutor
feedback on teaching practice
peer observation of teaching practice (i.e. watching the other candidates’ lessons)
six hours’ directed observation of lessons taught by experienced ELT professionals, up to three hours of which may be of filmed lessons.
You should also allow for 80 additional learning hours for pre-course preparation, reading, research, assignment writing, lesson preparation and record keeping
The maximum ratio of candidates to tutors is one tutor for every six candidates, and there are at least two tutors on each course.
Course topics
The CELTA course covers a range of topics:
Learners and teachers, and the teaching and learning context
Language analysis and awareness
Language skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing
Planning and resources for different teaching contexts
Developing teaching skills and professionalism
How you will be assessed
You will be assessed throughout the course and there is no final examination. The two types of assessment are:
Teaching practice
You will teach for a total of 6 hours, working with adult classes at a minimum of two levels of ability. Assessment is based on your overall performance.
Written assignments
You will complete four written assignments (each 750–1,000 words). These focus on:
analysing and responding to adult learner needs
analysing language for teaching purposes
teaching language skills
reflecting on classroom teaching.