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Information for preparation centres
It’s the start of the year, so now is the perfect time to tell parents about the benefits of Cambridge English Qualifications and for your teachers to discover all the amazing support on offer. We have a whole range of materials that you can use.
A great way to communicate with parents is through a face-to-face event, and we have a whole range of event materials to help you. We have resources to help you choose the right exam for your students, and support for teachers who are preparing candidates for our exams, including materials that you can use in the classroom.
We also have a fact sheet that you and your teachers can use to prepare for conversations with parents.
Holding and event for parents
Holding an event for parents is a great way to let them know all about the benefits of taking an exam, and gives you a chance to tell them about the preparation courses you offer. With these materials you can host parents’ evenings, language workshops, open days, and more.

Events toolkit
This range of materials provides you with all the resources you need to run an event for parents to tell them about our exams. It includes an events guide, an invitation letter, a poster, a banner, a handout for parents, and more.

Marketing materials
We've listed all of our marketing resources for preparation centres in one place, so you can find the information and support you need quickly and easily. We have leaflets and videos with information on Cambridge English Qualifications, and posters that you can display in your centre.
Your timeline for teaching and preparing for our exams
Starting the year
Now is the perfect time to tell parents and new teachers about the benefits of Cambridge English Qualifications, and for your school to discover all the amazing support available to help promote these exams. Use these resources to promote Cambridge English Qualifications, and explain them to parents and students.
Teaching and preparing throughout the year
Our extensive range of resources helps teachers and parents support students in their learning – both inside and outside the classroom
Deciding to register for the exam
Now is the time to talk to parents about their child’s progress and to decide if they’re ready to take the exam, as well as telling them about the registration process.
Final preparation
It’s time to ensure your students are fully prepared for their exams. We have a whole range of materials to help your students with their final preparation.
Explaining results
Our resources have been created specifically to help teachers understand and explain how results are reported to students and parents, in a clear and easy to understand way.
Celebrating success
It’s time to recognise, celebrate and share the success of your students and teachers with parents, the school and the wider community. We have a range of resources that you can use to celebrate.
Staying up to date
Get tips for preparing your learners for Cambridge English Qualifications, free classroom resources, marketing materials and more, delivered directly to your inbox every month.
Your timeline to teaching and preparing for our exams
We have a handy timeline of the school year that you can download as a reminder.
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