Innovative Centre has launched a Teacher Training Programme for teachers of SamSIFL

Innovative Centre has launched a Teacher Training Program for teachers of SamSIFL and upon completion of this program teachers will be able to pass internationally recognized exams of Cambridge Assessment English.

Great changes are to come and teachers of foreign languages should become experts of their field in order to educate young learners with innovative methods. A great burden and huge responsibility relies on the shoulders of every teacher in upbringing of new generation who could easily communicate with foreigners and build business relations independently.

Chairman of Innovative Centre is appointed to the post of regional representative and head of Samarkand Branch of Agency for the Promotion of Foreign Language Learning. Innovative Centre will take an active part in promoting and educating new professionals who will have unlimited access to authentic preparation materials published by Cambridge University Press. Consequently, students or teachers who come here for further education will be qualified with World-Class Skills and achieve high levels of proficiency in English.