Azimjon Akhmadjonov receives 7.5 in IELTS

Azimjon is a 15-year-old student of the Innovative Centre who got an overall of 7.5 in the IELTS exam and has scored 8.5 in listening and 7 in writing.

The student of the 10th grade was able to get a high score while managing to study diligently both at school and learn the English Language at an advanced level. He has been preparing at the Innovative Centre for the exam for six months. Azimjon is a real example of dedication and consistency, proving that age is not an obstacle to accomplishing great things. As he says, the main things that assisted in his preparation were highly effective courses provided at the Innovative Centre and pretests from Cambridge that played a crucial role in his success. Also, he gave a piece of motivation to other students, “Everything is possible with the right approach, mentoring, patience and self-belief.”

His score opens many doors for Azimjon because now he is eligible to apply to any university and course both in Uzbekistan and abroad. In addition, this score enables him to get scholarships and apply for grants.

Innovative Centre sincerely congratulates Azimjon and wishes him all the best in his further studies and life.